About TPYC

cropped-DSCF17971.jpgTown Point Yacht Club is not your ordinary Yacht Club. A large proportion of our members don't even own boats and there is no clubhouse. What Town Point Yacht Club does have are dedicated members with a keen interest in boating, the waterways, the environment and the rich maritime heritage of Norfolk and the entire Hampton Roads area. Basically, we are a volunteer service organization with boating interests. Our philosophy is to promote these interests through education, sponsorship, ambassadorship, preservation and entertainment.

It's not surprising that we're unique. The club was founded in 1991 by the late Captain Lane Briggs, who was the owner of the Rebel Marina (Norfolk, VA), and one of the most connected and colorful maritime visionaries on the East Coast. As one of the early organizers of the Great Chesapeake Bay Schooner Race, he recognized the need for an organization to co-sponsor the event and provide hospitality to visiting tall ships. Captain Briggs loved Hampton Roads and promoted the region tirelessly everywhere he visited. He wanted others to see its beauty and take advantage of its attributes.

Today, we continue to support Captain Briggs’ philosophy with the projects we embrace… projects such as the Great Chesapeake Bay Schooner Race, Norfolk Harborfest®,  The Elizabeth River Project and the Old Dominion Sailing Team. We also seek out and support other projects deemed important to the Hampton Roads maritime community.

In addition, in keeping with Captain Briggs’ "fun" personality, TPYC members can be seen around town - individually or as a group - visiting marinas, enjoying a dinner or a "spot of tea", hosting raft ups, or supporting fundraising efforts or other organizations.

Current Members
Boating Fails
People Over Served